You are here: STUDY in New Brunswick
Subjects Available in New Brunswick High Schools
- Accounting
- Business Organization and Management Career Exploration
- Child Studies
- Computer Aided Design
- Computer Science
- Coop Education
- Culinary Technology
- Digital Production
- Drafting – Computer Aided Graphics
- Early Childhood Services
- Canadian Literature
- English
- Journalism
- Theatre Arts
- Writing
- Entrepreneurship
- Fashion Design
- French
- FR Biology
- FR Canadian History
- FR Culinary Technology
- FR Entrepreneurship
- FR Introduction to Environmental Science
- FR Language Arts
- FR Modern History
- FR Tourism
- FR World Issues
- Graphic Art and Design
- Canadian Geography
- Canadian History
- Economics
- Law
- Modern History
- Native Studies
- Political Science
- World Issues
- Hospitality and Tourism
- Human Services
- Individual and Family Dynamics Information
- Technology
- Introduction to Accounting
- Introduction to Applied Technology
- Introductory Electronics
- Learning Strategies
- Calculus
- Financial and Workplace Mathematics
- Foundations of Mathematics
- Pre-Calculus
- Media Production
- Micro-Electronics
- Music
- Networking
- Nutrition for Healthy Living
- Office Administration
- Outdoor Pursuits
- Physical Education Leadership
- Advanced Environmental Science
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Human Physiology
- Introduction to Environmental Science
- Physical Geography
- Physics
- Science
- Automotive Electrical Systems
- Aviation Technology
- Framing and Sheathing
- Internal Combustion Engines
- Metals Fabrication
- Metals Processing
- Mill and Cabinet Work
- Power Train and Chassis
- Residential Finish
- Robotics and Automated Technology
- Tune-Up and Emissions
- Sociology
- Spanish
- Technical Support
- Visual Arts