New Brunswick Offshore Schools Program (NBOSP)

Atlantic Education International (AEI) is the authorized sales agent of the Province of New Brunswick for purposes for its Anglophone sector, with the objective of selling educational programs, services, and materials.

AEI through its New Brunswick Offshore Schools Program provides opportunities for students to study the New Brunswick curriculum and to obtain an internationally recognized high school graduation diploma issued by the Province of New Brunswick.

Accreditation Process

Becoming a New Brunswick accredited school involves a multi-step process that takes approximately two years to complete.  Throughout the accreditation process, AEI’s experienced and knowledgeable team will be there to assist the school, its educators and personnel in implementing a high-quality educational program using the New Brunswick curriculum.  Once an offshore school has be become fully accredited, it will be listed on The Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials website –

If you are an individual, company or school that is interested in partnering with AEI for purposes of offering the New Brunswick curriculum and the opportunity for your students to earn the New Brunswick high school graduation diploma, please contact us at

Implementation Handbook – At NBOSP, we work diligently with school personnel of offshore schools to successfully implement the New Brunswick curriculum to meet the graduation requirements.  As such, NBOSP has prepared an implementation handbook to guide school personnel in putting teaching and learning expectations into operation in accredited offshore schools.

Implementation HandbookNBOSP Implementation Handbook

Tool kit – Throughout the implementation handbook, schools will find resources that can be used to support the process of becoming and maintaining a New Brunswick accredited school.  The tool kit is organized by item number that correlate to documents referenced in the implementation handbook.  Only schools who have successfully the completed the application process and are working towards accreditation will receive access to the resources.

NBOSP Tool Kit